The Department of Transport  is a department of the Government of Cameroon that is responsible for transport policy and overseeing transport services and infrastructure. The department is led by the Minister for Transport NGALLE BIBEHE Jean Ernest Massena.


About Our Ministry

The Ministry of Transport and Communications  is one of the ministries which comprise the Cameroon  Government. Cmaeroon's transportation network and the country's communication services
 The ministry employs 180 people.

Agencies within the ministry's administrative reach include the Cameroon Transport Agency, and the Cameroon Meteorological Institute. The ministry is in charge of several state-owned companies; the most notable of these is Cameroon's national public broadcasting company

Several agencies and state-owned companies operate under the Ministry of Transport and Communications, including:

Cameroon Transport Infrastructure ministry is Responsible for the planning, development, and maintenance of Cameroon's transport infrastructure.
Cameroon Transport and Communications Agency. Regulates and supervises transport and communication services, as well as promotes traffic safety.
Cameroon Meteorological Institute  Provides weather, climate, and environmental information for various sectors, including transport and communications.
VR Group: The state-owned railway company responsible for passenger and freight rail services in Finland.
 The state-owned company responsible for managing and developing Cameroon's airports and air traffic services.
The Ministry of Transport and Communications has been actively pursuing several initiatives to support digitalization and sustainability in Cameroon. These include the National Architecture for Digital Services, the Digital Cameroon Framework, and the AuroraAI project, which aim to improve public services, foster digital innovation, and enhance the country's digital infrastructure.

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